It's not very good
Seems great - just started. I noticed I have to be online to start/validate the game with Google. Is there not a way to do this one time, so I dont need to be online everytime I play?
This may be one of the more enjoyable mobile games available. It plays as a board game but is full of options and features to vary gameplay over different playthroughs. It's addicting to try and get through the more challenging starts to prove yourself.
I'm having fun with this game! Thank you <3
One of the best purchase I've made. Maybe create more character to play on.
This is a very good game! I really enjoy the fact that you have to manage your time and money. I think that this game is very well balanced. In addition, I like the fact you can create custom characters. I think overall this game is worth the money, because you get a lot of replay ability. It's also nice they let you play with up to 4 friends.
Are you guys still working on the game? When should we expect the next update? Thank you!
I spent half of my day for this game and I must say that if you mostly know what this game teaches, it becomes..... Easy(?) it becomes a routine or system. It's quite addicting especially if you're a game perfectionist like me, wanting to achieve and win the game. But the thing is that, it's just a game and as the name of the game "Timeflow" your time also flows naturally. I somehow regret wasting time(?). But it's okay, at least I helped the developer gain some money.
Its good
Игра по кайфу, но нехватает нескольких фич, чтобы она была ещё кайфовее: 1) сделайте режим песочницы(бесконечный) 2) По какой-то причине во вкладке акций есть серебро, но сколько бы я и другие люди не играли, покупка серебра не предлагается. 3) Возможность выбирать, какие акции купить 4) Хотелось бы внятного объяснения по работе писателем в игре. Я как не пытался, больше 4 книг я написать не смог, это так и должно быть или это баг? Желательно, чтобы кол-во книг не было ограничено.